
Cover imageThis is the study guide for ExamPA.net, the online course for the Predictive Analytics exam of SOA. While meeting all of the learning requirements of Exam PA, this 250-page study guide gives data science and machine learning training. It would be taught how to get data into R, clean it, visualize it, and use models to derive business value. Just as scientists set up lab experiments to form and test hypotheses, it would be required to build models and test them on holdout sets.

The chapters on R-programming cover the foundational concepts with a focus on modern data science applications. Time-saving coding tips along with ways of checking answers within RStudio will be taught.

All of the statistical theory is explained, from linear regression to gradient boosted trees, and examples are provided of each model that can be reproduced. Following the course materials “An Introduction to Statistical Learning, “we discuss model training, validation, and the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm.

0.1 FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Does this replace the modules? No. You can use this study guide to supplement rather than replace the modules of SOA. The online course is comprehensive and completely replaces the modules and textbooks. We strive to make this study guide as thorough as possible, but a passive-learning textbook format is not as efficient as giving hands-on practice questions under exam conditions and video tutorials of how to arrive at each answer. After all, our goal is to reduce study time as much as possible. The online course provides everything that one would need to pass.

Why is this free when other study manuals cost hundreds of dollars? We are making this available to everyone to study for PA and try out our study materials. We are so confident of the benefits from our hands-on teaching style that everyone will want to join our online course after getting a taste of this textbook.

How many study hours are needed? Here is a study template that allocates 160 hours for this course and the modules of SOA. The exact number of hours needed varies by individual. Is English your native language? Have you taken SRM? Do you have prior R experience? Are you a confident communicator? All of these factors play a role. Pgetting lanning a study schedule for PA is not different from any of the other exams. Important deadlines, travel plans, or other obligations must be accommodated.